How to Set Window Titles in macOS SwiftUI

The window title is an essential element in macOS applications. It provides users with context about the window’s purpose. In this guide, we’ll go through setting window titles in SwiftUI-based macOS applications.

Set a Simple Window Title

For a basic title, you simply use the title attribute in your SwiftUI WindowGroup. You can do this at your entry point. This sets a static title for all windows.

struct MyApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup("My Static Title") {

Here, “My Static Title” will be the title for all windows that belong to this WindowGroup.

swiftui macos window title

The window title is a critical part of the user interface in macOS apps. SwiftUI provides you with straightforward ways to set static window titles. While customization is limited, setting titles is as easy as a few lines of code.

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